Home groups are a chance to learn and grow closer to God in a smaller group, who usually become your main support network at church. They meet in people’s homes during the week to share food, bible study, worship and prayer.
If you’d like to join a group contact Priscilla and Judith, by clicking the button below. Tell them a bit about yourself (age, occupation) and they’ll suggest a group that might suit you.
St Matthew’s is home to 13 bells, which are rung weekly before our 10:45am service and also for special events like weddings, royal events and peals. On heritage days we welcome the public several times each year to come into the ringing chamber.
If you are interested in learning to ring, you are welcome to join us. First time visitors should contact John Edlin, our tower captain, before coming.
Weekly Sessions:
Tuesday 12:30-1:10pm – Bell taster session, mainly for Blue Coat students
Wednesday 6:30-7:30pm – Beginner practice
Wednesday 7:30-9:00pm – Main practice
Sunday 10:00-10:45am – Service ringing
Activities are run for children and youth aged 0-18 including creche, children’s and youth church in the 10.45am service, groups during the week, and regular holiday clubs.
To find out more about under 18s work contact the office or take a look at the calendar to see what’s on.
Signs for Worship Walsall is perfect for anyone interested in sign language. We have restarted meeting in person and are in the main church building on Friday evenings, 7.30-9.30pm. You can also join in via Zoom, and details for this are in the link below.
If you are over 60 and would like to make new friends, join us at the Church Centre on Thursdays at 2-4pm.
For more details contact the church office on 01922 626039 or check the calendar.
Sign up to our mailing list to receive the weekly bulletins, monthly prayer diaries, and much more via email.
Login to ChurchSuite, our church platform, where you can see what’s going on in the life of our church, sign up to events, check rotas and lots more.
St Matthew’s Walsall is committed to safeguarding and has adopted the National and Diocesan Safeguarding Policies.
Our Safeguarding Coordinator is Barbara Parker and can be contacted by emailing safeguarding@stmatthewswalsall.co.uk.
Alternatively you can contact the rector, Rev. Jim Trood, on 07939 587208.
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Registered charity 1148805 | Key Supporters
St Matthew’s Walsall is part of The Diocese of Lichfield and The Church of England