8:45am Parish Communion
In Church
A traditional service of Holy Communion with organ based hymns.
Book of Common Prayer is held on the 1st, 3rd and 5th Sunday in the month.
Common Worship with Holy Communion is held on the 2nd and 4th Sunday in the month.
10:45am Morning Praise
In Church and live-streamed on YouTube
A family-friendly service with worship, teaching and prayer.
Creche, children’s church, prayer ministry and communion available at selected services.
1:00pm Asian Congregation
In Church
Our Urdu speaking congregation meet in church every Sunday at 1pm. If you would like to join us, just turn up or contact Rev. Jim.
6:30pm The Evening Service
In the Church Centre
A God-centred, interactive and fun service that is open to all. We aim to develop as disciples of Jesus, create deep connections and discover our distinctive calling.
St Matthew’s is a beautiful place to have your wedding. As well as helping you arrange a wedding service that is individual to you, our marriage preparation course enables couples to think about their commitment to each other to build a strong foundation for the future.
If you’d like to get married in St Matthew’s contact the church office about your potential wedding date. They’ll collect contact details from you and pass those on to John, who leads the 2 evening sessions of marriage preparation and Jim, who will look forward to seeing you at services as you become part of the St Matthew’s congregation.
The Church of England wedding website is very helpful for wedding planning.
Baptisms are a common element of our 10.45am service and are always a great occasion. Families are supported by being able to talk through the significance of baptism with Jim Trood or another member of clergy.
If you’d like to enquire about baptism, contact the church office and they will send you an information pack.
Here’s a video explaining a little about baptism.

Please contact Jim if you would like to hold a funeral service at St Matthew’s.
Registry Searches
Please get in touch if you would like to search our marriage, baptism or burial registries.
Burial of Ashes and Memorial Plaques
The death of a loved one comes as a great shock to us and we find ourselves having to make many decisions and arrangements. One of them is to consider how to mark the final resting place of our loved one.
Our churchyard is set aside as a place of quiet dignity and good order where you and others may come to reflect on the life of your loved one, the compassion and mercy of God and his promise of resurrection to eternal life through faith in Him.